Friday, October 18, 2013

"The Game- Penetrating the secrete society of Pick up Artists" by Neil Strauss - A review


Can't believe this all happened. Well, at a certain point in life we have to hear the words such as "dating", "pick-up", "Love -Gurus" etc. which are all related to the dating world.

don't know where on the internet I got introduced to this group of people who used to post online about the dating skills. This has become a business for many people, who write the books afterwards in the form of memoirs.

I am a curious person and so, I read this book after I bought it online in the digital format.

Book Title: The Game - Penetrating the secret society of Pick Up Artists(PUA).
Author : Neil Strauss
Publish year : 2005 , 2011(Digital)

Neil claims that everything in this book works everywhere in the world because this is the Game which is all based on the attraction not on the religion or places or geography.

Still, I don't recommend to rely heavily on this book if you are living in a Hindu or Muslim country. I have no good or bad to say about these religion, but I think this is not in their culture to have this much boldness.

I will put here a short story and few terms used in this book about picking up women and then to have sex with them in a joyful manner for both of you.

This book is a memoir of Neil Strauss when he enters into the group of the people who worked on picking up girls and they taught it to other men also. He has uncovered this society and is visible through this book.

This book gives lessons to have some skills on picking up women Reading a book on picking up girls might seem a bad idea for you, because in doing so you are accepting that you lack something in you to attract the female.

Same feelings are shared by Neil in this book while he was about to enter the workshop of Mystery( Venusian Artist- or PUA). These thoughts came to his mind and he was brave enough to accept his true self and his journey started which turned his from an AFC(Average Frustrated Chump) to the number one (PUA) of this community.

His journey is quite interesting, in which he learns to dress up cool, openers, Demonstrating high value, rapport building, Evolution phase Shift(EPS), Isolate, blast last minute resistance and in final chapter he instruct a way to maintain a good relationship.

This was Game which, he became so normal to play that his list of girls went on and on, he don't remember all the names and numbers.

 Finally he met Lisa, a girl in Courtney Love band, and decides to stop sarging(PUA term) other girls around. Game should not be used to have big numbers of night stands under your belt but to get the right girl in your life.
It is good read a kind of surprising, to know the un-imaginable experiences that Neil goes through. This book is a bestseller.

I loved the boldness in the book and when you go through the book, it seems hard to believe that all this can happen in real. In the start of the book Neil has claimed this all to be true and after searching a lot, I too found it to be true.

If you want to discover  an underground society of people which gets uncovered when you read this please go to the online amazon store 

Thank you for visiting!

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